Weatherbit API Features

Current Weather

Our service provides current weather for any point on the globe derived from +47,000 live weather stations as well as doppler radar, and meso-reanalyses. It also provides weather alerts for over 30 countries including the US, Canada, EU member nations, and Israel. This includes the following API's:
Our Current weather data API's include data for all of the following fields
  • Temperature
  • Apparent Temperature ("Feels-Like")
  • Dew Point
  • Relative Humidity
  • Pressure
  • Wind
  • Cloud Coverage
  • Weather Conditions
  • Precipitation Rate
  • Snowfall
  • Visibility
  • Solar radiation
  • UV Index
  • AQI
  • Air Quality for all major pollutants (PM10, PM2.5, CO, NO2, O3, SO2)
  • Pollen (Grass, Weeds, Trees, and Molds)
  • Lightning Flashes
  • And more...

Historical Weather

Retrieve a wide variety of historical data products ranging from simple hourly/daily data for weather fields such as temperature, precipitation, and wind to derived products such as evapotranspiration, heating/cooling degree days, and solar radiation. This includes the following API's:
Our Historical weather data products include data for all of the following basic weather fields
  • Temperature
  • Apparent Temperature ("Feels-Like")
  • Dew Point
  • Relative Humidity
  • Pressure
  • Wind
  • Cloud Coverage
  • Weather Conditions
  • Precipitation
  • Snowfall
  • Snow depth
  • Visibility
  • Solar radiation
  • UV Index
  • And more...
As well as other specific fields such as:
  • Heating/Cooling Degree Days
  • Evapotranspiration
  • Air Quality for all major pollutants (PM10, PM2.5, CO, NO2, O3, SO2)
Historical Data Cleansing and Backfilling
Our historical weather data is back-filled, and is guaranteed to have 99.95% coverage for all the major weather parameters: Temperature, Dew point, Relative Humidity, Wind Speed, Cloud Cover, Solar Radiation, Precipitation, and Snowfall. The data incorporates external sources such as global satellite, radar, historical re-analysis products, and advanced interpolation methods in addition to station observations from over 120,000 stations to offer unparalleled accuracy. This is particularly relevant to areas with limited station coverage. Read about how our competitors failed to depict a major flooding event in central Uganda with only station data.

Weather Forecasts

Easily retrieve weather, and air quality forecasts. Each API sources the best available public forecast models, as well as radar, and station observations to offer the most accurate forecast possible. The resolution of the models ranges from 1-13 KM, and offers global coverage. The forecast sources DWD ICON 7KM, GFS 13 KM, NAM 3KM, HRRR 1KM, ECMWF 9KM, SILAM, and EU CAMS models. This includes the following API's:
Our Forecast API's include data for the following weather fields:
  • Temperature
  • Apparent Temperature ("Feels-Like")
  • Dew Point
  • Relative Humidity
  • Pressure
  • Wind
  • Cloud Coverage (3 levels)
  • Weather Conditions
  • Precipitation
  • Snowfall
  • Snow depth
  • Visibility
  • Solar radiation
  • UV Index
  • Air Quality Index
  • AQI
  • Air Quality for all major pollutants (PM10, PM2.5, CO, NO2, O3, SO2)
  • And more...

Additional Features.

Historical Data Quality

Historical Weather data sourced from over 120,000 weather stations, with data coverage of last +10 years. Point historical data is available for the past +10 years for any point on the globe.

Our API sources additional information from high resolution historical datasets such as satellite, and doppler radar to deliver the most accurate historical weather data possible.


Accurate hyperlocal < 1km resolution forecasts using a blend of the world’s best global and regional models forecasting models, and Statistical/Machine learning algorithms.

Quality Control

Realtime, on-the-fly adjustments, and flagging of data based on live backtesting/verification of model forecasts.


We guarentee a 200ms average Forecast API response time for Advanced/Enterprise users. (This refers to Server response time. Total request time is dependent on User’s internet connection, and bandwidth.)

Gap Free Historical Data
Historical data is back-filled, and guarantee to have 99.95% coverage for all the major weather parameters: Temperature, Dew point, Relative Humidity, Wind Speed, Solar Radiation, Cloud Cover, Precipitation, and Snowfall.


We are constantly improving, and constantly looking for ways to help you interface with our API. Contact us, anytime via Twitter, Facebook, or E-Mail at .